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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Third Rail...

Back when I was a kid, my mom would take me downtown on the "El" train. I still remember standing on the station waiting for the train while she'd lecture me about the dangers involved: don't run for the train until it's stopped, stay in your seat, and don't ever touch the third rail. Now I hadn't ridden the El in years until the last time we flew into Chicago. Now they have an El train that takes you to the various parking areas scattered around O'Hare airport. Amazing!

 Anyway, while I've been recuperating from the shoulder surgery, been trying to find low impact things to work on. One thing I noticed is that when we first put in both stairs, then rebuilt them a few years ago, there was only one railing installed, on the side away from the wall. That's no problem when you've got two good arms, but now with just one, figured it'd be a good time to add that third railing. So after a lot of measuring and searching for suitable lumber in the garage loft, got started on the new railings.

Having the loft log in the way made it interesting trying to line up the two parts of the railing, but it's likely no one's gonna notice it except me. The angle of the railings doesn't quite match the stairs, since we replaced the runners a while back to make the stairs less steep. The old railing was built into the wall, so couldn't easily change it to match the new stairs.

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