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Monday, March 24, 2025

Out and About..

 Went out this morning on the Ski Doo to check out the gully and this is what it looked like...

The bridge that someone put in last year is down as the gully widened and filled with overflow.

Downstream, the gully continues to widen as the the thermo-karst worsens. (Shear Blading and Thermokarst 5/11/21)

But the dog driving continues, even as we avoid the gully crossing.

Climbing the ridge as we head home, Earl gets his time in lead...

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Where were you five years ago...

Just read in the news that it was five years ago today when our president, the great denier, declared a covid emergency.  So I looked back at the blog on that date and it's talking about the weather during the month. We had a lot of snow, almost a foot, and some cold, it hit -42 earlier. But nothing about covid. So maybe it wasn't such a big deal back then. I remember we went into town and got the vaccine shots at the community center. It was big production, where you had to sign up in advance and then show up early, check in and wait in the parking lot before you were admitted at your time slot. Then lots of tables set up for medical stations, everyone got checked over before getting a shot. Quite professional. Now we get our covid and flu shots together at the local Freddys. No big deal, almost inconceivable now.

The weather's been great lately, almost perfect for dog drivin' and just bein' outdoors.

Headin' out into the valley, clear and cold, just like March should be.

Up the hill onto the ridge on the other side of the valley.

Headin' back up our ridge and then over the top for home. This is the weather we wait for all winter, to run dogs and enjoy the times that only spring can bring.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Some Random Photos...

It's not all dog drivin' around here, we get to watch the cat and dogs do stupid pet tricks...

Mac has taught himself this jumping trick to get a dog biscuit. I hold it higher each time to get him to jump more. It's amazing how high a dog that big, he was over 80 lbs last summer when the vet weighed him, can jump when he really wants a biscuit.

Jack Black likes to lay on the Toyo stove, not sure why, maybe he can see what's going on better from that vantage point.
Here he is sleeping in the sink after apparently exhausting himself unrolling the toilet paper. Just wish he'd roll it back up when he's done.
Wouldn't be complete without a dog sled photo. Finally getting Earl up front again to run with Gus. He's such a wild dog in the yard; he jumps all over Gus when we're hooking up the team, so have to wait until five miles or so down the trail to stop and put him in lead. Then he does fine. In fact today, I forgot to bring the neckline and he ran next to Gus like he's been doing it all winter. Dogs, go figure!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

More Dog Drivin'...

 February weather has continued to be excellent and the dog runs likewise. Here's another road crossing video, taken from another view point.

Some photos on the way home from the last few runs.

Monday, February 10, 2025

February's the Best for Dog Drivin'...

 After the weird up and down temperatures in January, February has finally turned in some decent weather. Cold enough for drivin' dogs, not too bad for the driver. The new pair of winter boots I just got also help keep the feet warm when it's down near zero.

Headin' up the trail, the dogs moving right along on the fresh snow from last Friday that covered the icy spots. Goin' a little slower's a lot better than slidin' sideways!

Nearing the top of the ridge on the way home. The sun's getting higher in the sky and clears the ridge top  now.

Crossing the road and we're almost home; Andy's the videographer. Just have to get out more and enjoy this great weather while it lasts.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Breakup in January...

 We've had two warm spells in January, one would be unusual, where it got well above freezing, tied or broke high temperature records, and rained. Now it's gotten back down to well below zero, near normal for this time of year, and snowed. The problem is ice. Everywhere the rainwater collected or snow melted, water pooled up and froze. Now it's like a skating rink around here.

The gray patches are ice from the refrozen snow and rainfall. Even the white areas of hard pack snow are slippery to walk on.

Andy examining the icy patches. Walking around now requires ice creepers or studded boots.

January temps ranging from forty below to almost fifty above; it's good that climate change is a hoax, or we'd all be in for some real trouble

Friday, January 17, 2025

More Ado about Nothing...

Not doing much except running dogs and chores around the house. But I did remember to bring the camera on the last two dog runs, so that's something, I guess.

Earlier in the week it snowed a bit, so kind of gloomy overcast when I ran dogs on Tuesday. It had been real warm the day before, in fact it broke a record in town at 47°F, but cooled enough to start refreezing the trails.

On todays run, the snow had quit but it was still overcast. The trails were now real icy after it got down to -20° yesterday, but warmed up enough to get out today. Good times on the dog trail!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Much Ado About Nothing...

Just like Shakespeare wrote, it's what I sometimes feel about posting here cause there's not much going on. Have been out running dogs, but except for the time I got dumped and had to walk home from across the valley, nothing terribly exciting. Since I've forgotten to take the camera with me on these last few trips, here's some more sunset photos.

As noted earlier (Snow and Cold 2/12/24), the low angle of the sun this time of year makes for excellent  sunsets.

Alpenglow in the trees is common on clear days at sunrise and sunset. According to Wikipedia: Alpenglow (from German: Alpenglühen, lit. 'Alps glow') is an optical phenomenon that appears as a horizontal reddish glow near the horizon opposite to the Sun when the solar disk is just below the horizon. Strictly speaking, alpenglow refers to indirect sunlight reflected or diffracted by the atmosphere after sunset or before sunrise. This diffuse illumination creates soft shadows in addition to the reddish color. The term is also used informally to include direct illumination by the reddish light of the rising or setting sun, with sharply defined shadows.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Winter Solstice..

 Been wanting to post for a while but not much to report between the cold and snow. Finally did get out on the sled with the dogs after several weeks of trying. It seemed as soon as I broke out the trail, it snowed a foot and then dropped to thirty below. But perseverance and my neighbor Butch's snowmachine finally had the trail runnable just in time for the solstice.

Gus is doing great up front and the rest of the team know their job. If I could just get them to listen up and calm down when we need to stop and take a break, then they'd be great. As it is now, if I have to stop for any reason, they just keep banging to go, pulling so hard I have no time to fix anything or rearrange dogs in the team. Probably just need to run'em further, so they don't have so much energy. A good husky is a tired husky!

Monday, December 2, 2024

Snow and Cold...

 Since the last post, we've had about a foot of snow, then a couple of cold spells where it got down to -25° F here at the house and -35° in town. So it's a good time to do indoor stuff and watch the sunsets.

The low angle of the sun in Dec. makes for long, slow sunrises and sunsets. With less than five hours of daylight now, you don't have to get up early or wait too long in the afternoon to see'em.
It's always a good idea to check the dog harnesses for any needed repairs. I'm trying to figure out how to make a larger size harness for mega-Mac, now the largest dog in the yard. Years ago I gave away the only XL harness I had, so now it's time to upscale a size large to fit him. The white webbing is left over from a project many years ago. Since it's all that's here, it'll have to do for the harness. I'm trying to combine two styles into one, a new improved model, that will let Mackey run like the wind!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Rave On...

Back in the day, Buddy Holly was a huge rock star, almost as big as Elvis, and his group, the Crickets were pretty good too. He died in a plane crash and was immortalized in the song: The Day the Music Died. My favorite tune of his, Rave On, was a big hit back then.  It comes to mind now that we have the ravens hanging around again. This happens almost every time we pass out bones to the dogs. No matter that they never seem to be here otherwise, they somehow figure out there's free lunch for the taking. So one raven will get the dogs attention while another tries to sneak into the yard. Here's a short video...

Andy shot this on her iPhone through the window, so not the best video, but the interesting thing is how the ravens work together. One, on the lower left, gets the dogs attention, while the other, on the right, sneaks into the yard to steal a bone. Apparently they eat the marrow out of the center of the bone that the dogs can't get out. One year we found a pile of bones under a power pole where the ravens had apparently dropped them after stealing them from the dogs. Pretty clever, it makes you wonder how smart the dinosaurs were, since the birds are their descendants. Rave on little dinos!

Monday, November 11, 2024

Running Dogs Again...

A little later than usual, normally start mid-October, but finally got the dogs out for a couple of 4-wheeler runs. The trail around the subdivision and along the Hot Springs road was pretty rough thanks to the snowpocalypse last month. It was icy on the roads and soft in places next to the highway and power line, even after running over it with the SkiDoo, but the dogs still ran well.

Back in the yard after the first dog run this winter. Gus in lead did his usual good job. Hope to have many more, especially when there's enough snow to switch to the sled!