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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dog Days of July...

After a warm June with maybe a dozen days around 80° F, July started off cool and rainy, but the last five days have been over 80°. While it's uncomfortable for us, the dogs are ones who suffer the most.

The dog yard looks dead during the afternoon on these hot days. At least they've figured how to stay in the shade, moving around with the shifting shadows.  They still enjoy their time off for their free run in the yard. We bring out a couple of buckets of water, so they have plenty to drink. Rudy aka the meathead has figured out a better way to cool off.

While the others drink, he dunks his whole head in the bucket, cooling off while looking like a moose diving for a snack.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

R & R...

 Since getting the shoulder surgery, I haven't done much except hang around the house, rest and recuperation, as they say, just taking it easy. The pain is mostly gone, just some soreness when I move it too far. So when I went to physical therapy this week, of course Jeff, the therapist, has me moving the arm in all ways it hurts. I think PT really stands for Physical Torture. When we went to the Dr, the nurse checked me over, then pulled up the x-ray and went out to get him. So Andy took a photo of it with her iphone while we were waiting.

Pretty weird to think all that hardware's inside my shoulder now. The doc said it's healing fine and I should be good to go in 4 to 6 weeks.

Anyway, with little to do for the next few weeks, I can just hang out and watch the corn grow in the garden. It's doing great after all the hard work Andy's done with it.

Probably can do some "low impact activity" that won't affect the healing shoulder; maybe even weeding the garden, left handed of course!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Gettin' the Cold Shoulder...

 Mentioned before about how my right shoulder's got the dreaded bone-on-bone arthritis and the failed attempts to get it fixed (April No Fool 4/2/24). So now I finally got'er done. It's been three days and the pain's let up considerably, can even type with the right hand, tho the left takes care of most of the rest of the chores. Been icing it down several times a day; puts new meaning on gettin' the cold shoulder. So now I'm hoping it heals fast enough to get back to doing summer stuff, like riding the Guzzibefore the snow flies. Read about it here...