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Thursday, October 19, 2023


 Last spring I pulled the old Skidoo into the garage for some long overdo maintenance. After getting it up on the lift table, figured I had all summer to getter done. So last week I finally got around to working on it. Jacked up the front end, removed the skis, and replaced the ski skins and carbide runners with new parts I had ordered earlier on ebay. Of course they didn't quite fit, so spent a few days drilling and filing new holes, then bending the metal studs to get them installed on the skis.

Wanted to grease the suspension, but all the zerks are plugged solid and the replacements I had didn't fit. So will do that next time or maybe the time after that?

 Got'er started on the second pull and now it's sitting out in the wood yard, waiting for more snow. It did turn a lot better with the new ski parts, so at least one thing's fixed!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

First Dog Run...

 Been trying to get the dogs out for a run for awhile now, but finishing summer/fall projects seemed to take prescedence. But after a couple of snows and some hard work, finally got'em out for a run.

Andy took the photo after we got back into the yard. Missy, at twelve, ran great. Gus did his usual crazy dog act in the yard, but did well up front until we got back, then flopped into the snow, presumably to cool off. The amazing thing to me is how much Earl has grown, he's almost as big as Tambo now. Running dogs, it's a way of life, I guess!

And here's the end of the second run. A little warmer today, so there's some hot dogs...

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

First Snows...

Had our first snow on the second, right on time according to the weather bureau. It all melted the next day, but then we got another storm that dumped a couples of inches.  

It looks like it might stick around for awhile.
Just finished winterizing the tractor and installed the backhoe for some late season dirt work and the annual filling-in of the dog yard holes.
With the forecast of more snow and colder temps, I guess I better get to it; it's always a race to finish before the ground freezes too hard to dig. Winter comes early in the interior!