Precipitation totaled 0.42" for the month, which was 0.22" below normal. There were no major storms; the highest one day snowfall was 1.7" on the 18th. A total of 7.5" of snow was recorded at the airport, but some of the surrounding hills reported higher snowfalls during the month. (NWS Fairbanks Alaska Region)
The Alaska Climate Center hasn't posted it's monthly summary yet, so this chart is from the USGS weather station, just down the road from our place at the Little Chena R. bridge.
The "big news" this month was getting a new dog. Not exactly a Christmas present, he showed up at the end of the month. An old friend, Lynn, called and said she had taken in some rescue dogs (Newbies 8/6/11), was I interested in one? So a few days later she dropped off this handsome guy.
Only ran him once before the cold weather hit, it was 35 below in the flats this morning, but he did OK on the first run. so we're hoping for the best when the cold snap ends and we can get him out again. He's supposedly a husky/malemute cross and reminds me of Solo, one of the "arboreal dogs" (Solo's retired...2/28/13), who was a pretty good dog in his day.
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