After an up and down February, March is starting off warm, as it was near 40° F today. Here's the weather bureau's summary for February:
"Much like January, February was a month of contrasts with periods of much below normal temperatures and periods of much above normal temperatures. The average temperature for the month was 1.0 degree which was 2.3 degrees above the normal mean temperature of -1.3 degrees.
February 2015 started off with a cold snap that continued through the 10th. The coldest temperature was 43 below which occurred on the 7th. The temperature warmed dramatically after the 10th of the month, with the warmest temperature of 37 on the 16th.
A significant ice storm, one tenth of an inch of ice or more, began on the 21st and continued on the 22nd, when 0.23 inches of rain fell at the airport. This is the 4th out of the last 5 winters with a significant ice storm.
Looking forward to March, temperatures climb sharply as the sun angle and length of day light increases; the average daily high temperature increases from 18 degrees on the 1st to 34 degrees on the 31st, the average daily low temperature increase from 9 below on the 1st to 8 above on the 31st. Temperatures have ranged from 56 above in 1994 to 56 below in 1911. March is on average the driest month in Fairbanks, precipitation iaverages 0.25 inches while normal snow fall is 4.9 inches. Possible sunshine increases by nearly 7 minutes per day during March and increases from 10 hours and 7 minutes on the 1st to 13 hours and 29 minutes on the 31st."(
Finally remembered the camera so took a few photos of the dogs:
Heading for home after crossing the bridge.
Skirting the new gully that formed this past summer.