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Monday, November 30, 2009

Nailin' Palin...

I'll likely never read Sarah Plain's new book. But I've read a few of the reviews. So far, the funniest one is at a site called GIN AND TACOS:

A brief excerpt:

"If you are in a hurry, here is the succinct version of this review: Going Rogue is shit. It is groundbreaking in its banality and disregard for facts... The book is less a biography than an elaborate press release... a methodical re-imagining of her entire political career replete with more excuses than a Cleveland Browns post-game press conference. Palin has never done anything wrong. The public have merely been led to believe that she is a dangerously stupid, erratic narcissist. Going Rogue is all about setting that record straight, offering a wildly implausible excuse for every crash and bang in her train wreck of a political career."

Whoever writes this is pretty funny.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hydro splitter...

I enjoy splitting wood. There's a real satisfaction to creating a freshly split pile and it's pretty good exercise too. But the feeling's not always shared by my increasingly arthritic joints. Since every few years we try to do something new with the tractor, we decided to try out a hydraulic log splitter. I had postponed hooking it up to the tractor all summer, since I had a lot of projects to finish. But after we got a few of inches of snow last week, I figured I'd better get to it. Had to get a couple of hydraulic couplings to match the tractor fittings, which had always been a hassle in the past, but this time they had the right ones in stock and was able to hook it up the next day. Not only does it work great, it splits just fine with the tractor running at near idle, so it's relatively quit too. Now I just need to find a way to stack it hydraulically.