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Monday, October 7, 2024

Last Bike Ride...

 With the past week of fifty degree weather, at least in the afternoons, this week was decent bike riding weather, so was able to get out twice..

Autumn is pretty much over, the leaves have lost their color and are mostly gone. But at least the low angle sun provides a little warmth and some interesting shadows.

With the forecast for mixed rain and snow with temps in the mid to upper thirties, I suspect this past week may have been the last rides of the season.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Dog Runs on the First Frost

Had our first frost this morning, about two weeks later that average. Not sure it means anything about climate change, since we've had late frosts before, but we kept a few plants growing under visqueen a bit longer than usual. Now it's all that's left of another great garden. 

This is perfect weather to let the dogs run around. They've been getting over heated or soaking wet most of the summer, since it was either too hot or raining. Now they get to run to their hearts content.

Or just get a few pets.

But playing dog down is their favorite pastime.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Fall Colors...

Trying to get out and enjoy the fall colors on the rare days it's not raining. Here's a few pics...

The drive way is shrouded in gold on one of  the few sunny days we've had lately.

Meanwhile Andy's been working to harvest the garden.
Lot's o' potatoes...
Autumn always is a bittersweet time to enjoy the fall colors and cooler temps, while knowing that sooner or later, the snow and freezing weather of winter will be here.

Saturday, August 31, 2024


 No, not the knockout drug dispensers, these guys are here to get a roof on. The old roof dates back to the late 70s when we built the cabin. We did all the work ourselves on the original cabin, but time and weather had taken its toll, on all. We tried to get something done last summer, but couldn't connect with any roofing contractors. This time a friend suggested I talk to one of the roofing suppliers in town and they gave me a list of three names. The third one on the list had the lowest bid and turned out to be a great guy to work with. We also decided to replace the fiberglass insulation with insulfoam to increase the insulation and make it easier to heat the house. He knew a contractor that did spray foaming and would coordinate the work with him. So after several rain delays, they got to work on it.

First they had to remove the old roofing and insulation, then spray the insulfoam. I bagged up as much of the old insulation as would fit in the garage loft and will use it to insulate the loft.

Then the roofers laid down the new steel panels. Pretty amazing to watch these thirty something guys scurry around on the roof. Brings back memories of when we installed the original roof back in the day.

Now they're installing snow guards, to keep the snow avalanching off in the spring, and a roof ladder for cleaning the stove pipe. Pretty neat stuff.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Third Rail...

Back when I was a kid, my mom would take me downtown on the "El" train. I still remember standing on the station waiting for the train while she'd lecture me about the dangers involved: don't run for the train until it's stopped, stay in your seat, and don't ever touch the third rail. Now I hadn't ridden the El in years until the last time we flew into Chicago. Now they have an El train that takes you to the various parking areas scattered around O'Hare airport. Amazing!

 Anyway, while I've been recuperating from the shoulder surgery, been trying to find low impact things to work on. One thing I noticed is that when we first put in both stairs, then rebuilt them a few years ago, there was only one railing installed, on the side away from the wall. That's no problem when you've got two good arms, but now with just one, figured it'd be a good time to add that third railing. So after a lot of measuring and searching for suitable lumber in the garage loft, got started on the new railings.

Having the loft log in the way made it interesting trying to line up the two parts of the railing, but it's likely no one's gonna notice it except me. The angle of the railings doesn't quite match the stairs, since we replaced the runners a while back to make the stairs less steep. The old railing was built into the wall, so couldn't easily change it to match the new stairs.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Dog Days of July...

After a warm June with maybe a dozen days around 80° F, July started off cool and rainy, but the last five days have been over 80°. While it's uncomfortable for us, the dogs are ones who suffer the most.

The dog yard looks dead during the afternoon on these hot days. At least they've figured how to stay in the shade, moving around with the shifting shadows.  They still enjoy their time off for their free run in the yard. We bring out a couple of buckets of water, so they have plenty to drink. Rudy aka the meathead has figured out a better way to cool off.

While the others drink, he dunks his whole head in the bucket, cooling off while looking like a moose diving for a snack.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

R & R...

 Since getting the shoulder surgery, I haven't done much except hang around the house, rest and recuperation, as they say, just taking it easy. The pain is mostly gone, just some soreness when I move it too far. So when I went to physical therapy this week, of course Jeff, the therapist, has me moving the arm in all ways it hurts. I think PT really stands for Physical Torture. When we went to the Dr, the nurse checked me over, then pulled up the x-ray and went out to get him. So Andy took a photo of it with her iphone while we were waiting.

Pretty weird to think all that hardware's inside my shoulder now. The doc said it's healing fine and I should be good to go in 4 to 6 weeks.

Anyway, with little to do for the next few weeks, I can just hang out and watch the corn grow in the garden. It's doing great after all the hard work Andy's done with it.

Probably can do some "low impact activity" that won't affect the healing shoulder; maybe even weeding the garden, left handed of course!

Monday, July 8, 2024

Gettin' the Cold Shoulder...

 Mentioned before about how my right shoulder's got the dreaded bone-on-bone arthritis and the failed attempts to get it fixed (April No Fool 4/2/24). So now I finally got'er done. It's been three days and the pain's let up considerably, can even type with the right hand, tho the left takes care of most of the rest of the chores. Been icing it down several times a day; puts new meaning on gettin' the cold shoulder. So now I'm hoping it heals fast enough to get back to doing summer stuff, like riding the Guzzibefore the snow flies. Read about it here...

Friday, June 28, 2024

Gettin' a Grip...

 After finishing welding up the snow blade, I realized there were a lot of vise grips pliers. So I dug around in the garage, the basement, and upstairs and this is what was there...

Apparently they're all Vise-Grip brand, except the second from the top and bottom, which are Craftsman. Since I always bought the original vise grips, not sure where the one near the bottom came from, maybe out of my dad's toolbox after he died. The smaller one near the top was found on the side of the highway when I was driving the tractor over to a neighbors. Then I remembered there were a couple more...

The top one's for bending sheet metal while is bottom's mainly for welding. It didn't get used this time cause it wouldn't work setting the wings at an odd angle to the snow blade. 

According to Wikipedia, "The first locking pliers, with the trade name Vise-Grip, were invented by William S. Petersen in De Witt, Nebraska, United States in 1924; the brand name Vise-Grips is close to a generic name for this type of pliers. Locking pliers are available with many different jaw styles, such as needle-nose pliers, wrenches, clamps and various shapes to fix metal parts for welding."

So there you go, you can't have too many vise grips when it's time to weld!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Gettin' the Angles...

After mounting the old plow on my new, for me anyway, 4-wheeler, the resulting plow job was less than spectacular (Solstice Stuff 12/23/20). Most of the snow falls off the sides of the blade, so figured it needed some side boards to keep the load intact. A while later, maybe a couple of years ago, made some angle wings out of a piece of steel that had been cut from an old barrel we had used for making a stove.

Finally got around to welding them onto the blade. Since we couldn't find the magnetic welding forms that Andy bought me years ago, had to finagle some way to hold the metal wings on an angle to spot weld them to the blade. Who says you can't have too many vise grips?

Monday, June 10, 2024

Jack Black...

Not much new to report, mostly been splitting and stacking wood for next winter. The wall o' wood slowly disappears as well as a few spruce and birch logs got bucked up and split, adding to the stacks of firewood. But Andy's been getting some random shots of Jack Black, so thought I'd add them to the post. 

Here he is sleeping in the loader bucket. He never had much to do with the tractor before, but now he seems right at home.
Here he is inverted on the floor. Like Ruty before him, upside down is the way to go.
And finally on the bench by the back door. Not sure if he hangs out here to keep an eye on things or it's just another place to sleep. I suspect it's the latter.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Whippet 2...

Well I figured the whippet comparison for Earl was just a joke, cause what's the chance he'd be part whippet. But then I got to reading more about mixed breed huskies and saw there's the eurohound.

Bred from a cross of German short hair pointer, greyhound, and husky, they've come to dominate sprint dog racing. so maybe that's Earl's breed. Here's a few pic's from today's run.

Here's Earl running with Gus. The difference in their gait is pretty amazing.
Whatever his breed, Earl's a pretty good dog. So no matter what, he's our o' hound.